Call For Posters
All OpenRIT 6G Workshop participants are welcome to submit a poster of their current or recently published research (less than a year to the date of OpenRIT 6G Workshop 2025), but this is mandatory for Master’s or PhD students. There will be no proceedings for OpenRIT 6G Workshop 2025.
The structure of the poster must follow the same structure as a research paper:
- Title, authors and their affiliations
- Introduction: This section should introduce the problem addressed, the novelty of the research presented, a brief literature review, and a summary of the main findings.
- Methodology: This section describes how the research was performed and should be clearly explained.
- Results: Here, the main results should be presented and support the research’s goals mentioned in the introduction.
- Conclusions: Finally, a brief conclusion that reflects and contextualizes the main findings should be presented.
Recommendations for poster submission:
- PPTX Template:
- A poster is a graphically rich presentation of your research, highlighting and summarizing its most essential aspects.
- A poster should stimulate discussion.
- The text should be kept to a minimum.
- Avoid tables. Use charts and graphs to show results.
- The poster size must be A0 (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm). Use high-resolution images.
- Aim at a logical sequence of ideas between the poster sections.
- Focus on the “big picture” of your work. You can discuss the details during the poster presentation sessions.
Scope and Topics:
- OpenRAN and Network automation
- 5G & 6G Open Source Toolkits
- 5G & 6G Sub THz Radio Systems
- 5G & 6G Connectivity Enablement and Private Networks
- AI/ML for 5G & 6G
- 5G & 6G Business cases
- 5G & 6G Interoperability cases and challenges
- 5G & 6G Regulation
- IIoT enabled by 5G and 6G (e.g.: Mining and Farming)
- Non-Terrestrial Networks
Important Dates
Workshop Poster Submission Deadline:
Friday 7th March 2025, 23:59 hrs AoE
Poster Acceptance Notification:
Friday 14th March 2025